Celebration of Bangladesh Victory Day, organized by Deutsch Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz 2018

Opening Ceremony of Bangladesh Artist Cultural Society, Ludwigsburg-Tamm, Germany
November 10, 2018
Celebration of International Bengali Language Movement Day – 21st February 2019 at Ludwigsburg Tamm, Organised by Bangladesh Artist Cultural Society, Germany
Celebration of International Bengali Language Movement Day – 21st February 2019 at Ludwigsburg Tamm, Organised by Bangladesh Artist Cultural Society, Germany
February 23, 2019

Celebration of Bangladesh Victory Day, organized by Deutsch Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz 2018

Celebration of Bangladesh Victory Day, organized by Deutsch Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz 2018
Celebration of Bangladesh Victory Day, organized by Deutsch Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz 2018
Celebration of Bangladesh Victory Day, organized by Deutsch Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz 2018
Celebration of Bangladesh Victory Day, organized by Deutsch Bengalische Gesellschaft e.V. Mainz 2018

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